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Weekends and Availability Requests
Weekends and Availability Requests

How weekends are counted in Availability Request links.

Mary Pope avatar
Written by Mary Pope
Updated over a week ago

If you are using Prelude's Availability Request feature, you may be curious about whether or not candidates can submit availability on weekends, and if those weekends count toward the Date Windows of your Requests.

Candidates will not be able to submit weekend availability unless weekends have been specified within the request Time Window.

How to add a Time Window to Availability Requests

Time Windows can be added under Link Setup. In order for candidates to submit weekend availability, the Time Window must have Saturday/Sunday checked.

If Saturday/Sunday are not checked, the candidate will not see the option to submit availability for Saturday or Sunday. If they try to adjust the date manually to a Saturday or Sunday, they will receive an error that states, "This is a [Saturday/Sunday]. There is no availability on this day. Please choose another day."

How weekends are counted in Rolling date windows

There are three types of Date Windows: Unlimited, Rolling, and Expiring. The Date Window can be set within the Link Setup of your Availability Request.

If you have set a Rolling date window for your request, weekends will be included in the total number of rolling days, but candidates will not be able to submit weekend availability unless you have specified Saturdays/Sundays in the Time Window.

For example:

A user sets a rolling window of 7 days from the date of Wednesday, June 28th. This gives a total of 8 days worth of options (the current date, June 28th, plus 7 additional days.)

The candidate will see dates up through a week away (July 5th), but they will only see 6 days as options due to the removal of Saturday and Sunday.

If the user sets a rolling window of 7 days from the date of Wednesday, June 28th, and adds a time window that includes weekend days, the candidate will see dates up through a week away (July 5th), and they will see all 8 days as options, including Saturday and Sunday.

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