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Candidate Response Reminders

Forget manual follow-ups and save time with automated reminders.

Mary Pope avatar
Written by Mary Pope
Updated over a year ago

If your team is spending valuable time following up with unresponsive candidates, Prelude's Candidate Response Reminders are here to help!

Candidate Response Reminders are automated emails that will be sent to candidates who have not yet taken action on a Request link. If a candidate has not submitted their availability on an Availability Request, or booked an interview on a Booking Request, an automated email will be sent prompting them to complete the requested action. This helps your Recruiting Team get the details they need as quickly as possible.

Note that Response Reminders are different from Interview Reminders, which pertain to upcoming interview events. For more information about Interview Reminders, see our Candidate Interview Reminders Help Center collection.

πŸ’‘ Keep in mind:

  • Response reminders are available for Availability and Booking Requests.

  • Response reminders are only triggered when the link is sent through Prelude on the Send to candidate page, not if they are sent through any external channel.

  • Response reminders will only be sent if the candidate has not acted on the request link.

  • Any scheduled reminders will be canceled if the candidate acts on the link by submitting their availability or booking an interview time, OR if a user manually enters the candidate availability. If a candidate responds over email but does not act on the link, this will not cancel the reminder.

How to Add Response Reminders to Availability and Booking Requests

1. Create a new Booking or Availability Request, or open a Request Setup template.

2. Under Link Setup, scroll to Candidate Reminders.

3. Click Add link reminder. (To add interview reminders, see Candidate Interview Reminders).

4. Select the time frame for your reminder. Note that link reminders are sent relative to when the most recent email was sent to the candidate on the Send to candidate page.

5. Apply an email template to your reminder, or type in your email manually.

πŸ› οΈ TIP: We suggest creating two new Request Email templates: one for Availability Response Reminders and one for Booking Response Reminders.

6. Click Add link reminder to set up additional reminder emails, if desired, or click Save to pick back up later. If you're ready to send out your Booking Request, click Next to proceed to the Send to candidate page.

Once you've added your reminders to your Request or Request template, those reminders will be triggered by sending the request email to the candidate. All scheduled reminders will appear on the Send to candidate page:

If the candidate submits their availability or books a time before the send time of the reminder, or if you manually enter the candidate's availability on the Request, the reminder will be canceled.

If you would like to manually cancel a reminder, follow the instructions below.

To manually cancel a reminder:

  1. Open the Request.

  2. Click Send to Candidate.

  3. Locate the reminder from the communications list and click the X to cancel.

Be aware that:

  • Response reminders cannot be previewed.

  • Response reminders cannot be edited once the initial email has been sent to the candidate.

For any additional questions about Candidate Response Reminders, please contact Prelude Support!

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