Loops - Debriefs

How to access and send invites for interview debriefs

Grey Allen avatar
Written by Grey Allen
Updated over a week ago

Prelude has a Debrief feature built into the Loops interview process, so interviewers can meet and discuss the candidate's interviews.

Note: Debriefs do not count against load balancing and reporting figures.

How to Create a Debrief

Once you have finished creating a Loop, you will be taken to the Edit tab of the Loop, and you will see the "Debrief" tab on the page. Otherwise, you can visit the Interviews tab, then locate the Loop.

On the first step of creating the debrief, you can adjust different settings for the meeting, such as attendees and duration. You can change the pre-saved default attendees and duration - see the “Debrief Default Settings” section below.

On the next steps, you can enter the potential attendee availability and choose your desired result.

Once this is scheduled, you will see the calendar invite under the Debrief tab:

Debrief Default Settings

By default, debriefs automatically fill the “Attendees” as only including interviewers with the “Duration” as 30 minutes.

However, you can update the default duration and default attendees for all debriefs created by you (this is a user-specific setting). For attendees, you can also include specific people or use a placeholder, such as “Creator”.

You can locate these settings by clicking on your avatar (in the top-right corner) > Settings > User Preferences > Loops.

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