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Zoom Rescheduling

How to Properly Replace Interviewers Who Are a Zoom Meeting's Host.

Mary Pope avatar
Written by Mary Pope
Updated over a week ago

Switching Out an Interviewer for Requests:

Important Notes:

  • The default behavior for Requests is that the Zoom host will be the first interviewer (alphabetically by email). Keep in mind in case there are multiple interviewers.

  • Zoom does not support changing the original host of a meeting after it is scheduled. You can add alternative hosts by editing the meeting directly in Zoom and adding them onto the Alternative Hosts lists in the meeting’s advanced settings, but the only way to change the original host is to schedule a new meeting (with a new link) with them as the host.

  • The zoom link generated per request is stored and linked to that request for use with placeholders. Prelude does not support creating a new Zoom link within a scheduled request.

  • Enabling host pools solves this issue, as the host would always be randomly selected from the hosts in that pool and would not need to be changed when switching out an interviewer who also happens to be the meeting's host. Partner with your CSM if interested!

Single Interviewer Request:

  • Since Zoom does not support changing the host of a meeting, you have three options:

    • Reschedule the meeting completely. The new request will have a new Zoom link with the new interviewer as the host.

    • Have the original host go into Zoom and edit the meeting to add the new Interviewer as an alternative host.

    • Generate a new link manually by having the new Interviewer schedule a new meeting through Zoom and paste the link into interviewer & candidate communications.

Multi Interviewer Request:

  • Go through the list of interviewers and determine which interviewer is first (alphabetically by email).

  • Is the interviewer you’re replacing first (alphabetically by email) and therefore the host?

    • No?

      • The host is unaffected and no changes need to be made.

    • Yes?

      • Same options as a single interviewer request.

Switching Out an Interviewer for Loops:

Important Notes:

  • The default behavior for Loops is that the Zoom host will be the first interviewer (alphabetically by email). This can be switched to yourself as the scheduler, a host from your host pool (if enabled), or you can search for a specific interviewer by name (for company-authenticated Zoom accounts only).

  • Zoom does not support changing the original host of a meeting after it is scheduled. You can add alternative hosts by editing the meeting directly in Zoom and adding them onto the Alternative Hosts lists in the meeting’s advanced settings, but the only way to change the original host is to schedule a new meeting (with a new link) with them as the host.

  • Enabling host pools solves this issue, as the host would always be randomly selected from the hosts in that pool and would not need to be changed when switching out an interviewer who also happens to be the meeting's host. Partner with your CSM if interested!

Determining Who the Host is:

  • Select the scheduled loop, find the specific interview you’re editing, and click the pencil icon to edit.

  • Verify if the host is set to the Scheduler (Me) or First Interviewer (alphabetically by email)

    • If the host is set to the Scheduler, no changes need to be made.

    • If the host is set to the First Interviewer (alphabetically by email), determine if the interviewer being replaced is the host.

  • You can also check the host by going to Prelude’s settings here, clicking the Zoom tab, and entering the Zoom meeting’s ID into the Zoom Meeting Information section.

Replacing the Interviewer:

  • Is the interviewer you’re replacing the host?

    • No?

      • The host is unaffected and no changes need to be made.

    • Yes?

      • You can generate a new link by deleting the old one in the invite’s description, then hitting the “Add Zoom meeting” button.

      • Hit “Apply Changes” and be sure to send out the updated invites on the edit page.

  • Have candidate invites and / or communications already been sent out?

    • No?

      • Send them now and they’ll reflect the changes made.

    • Yes?

      • You must cancel the current candidate invites, send out new ones, and send out new candidate communications to reflect the changes.

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