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Scheduling with Combined Attributes

How to combine multiple attributes when scheduling Loops, Bookings, or Superdays interviews.

Mary Pope avatar
Written by Mary Pope
Updated over a week ago

When scheduling with Interviewer Attributes, it is possible to select an interviewer from any or all of a set of attributes. We call this "combined attributes."

To combine attributes, click the small arrow on the attribute you've put in the Interviewer field of your Loop, Booking, or Superday. Then, click "Combine Attributes."

Next, add whichever additional attributes you'd like to combine, and select "all" or "any."

Selecting "all" tells Prelude to choose an interviewer who is in all of the designated attributes.

Selecting "any" tells Prelude to choose an interviewer from any of the designated attributes.

Here are some sample use-cases.

Use Case #1:

"I'm hiring for an Engineering Position. I need an interviewer who is woman-identifying and trained in conducting Coding Exercise interviews."

To meet these criteria, we'll combine the attributes "Woman-Identifying," and "Coding Exercise," and we'll select "all" from the drop-down, like this:

Prelude will offer schedule results with interviewers who meet both of these criteria.

Use Case #2:

"I'm hiring for a position in New York City, where our company has multiple offices. I need an interviewer who is from the Tribeca office, the Midtown office, or the Brooklyn office."

We don't need an interviewer to be from all three offices; we just need an interviewer from any one of them. To accomplish this, we'll combine the attributes "Brooklyn Office," "Midtown Office," and "Tribeca Office," and we'll select "any" from the drop-down, like this:

Prelude will offer schedule results with an interviewer from either the Brooklyn, Midtown, or Tribeca office.

Once you've set up your combined attributes, you can proceed with scheduling your interview!

Note: If you don't see the option to combine attributes in Loops, Bookings, and/or Superdays, please contact Support.

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