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Editing a Loop

How to edit a Loop for manual updates.

Grey Allen avatar
Written by Grey Allen
Updated over 8 months ago

Sometimes, things come up and you need to make changes to a Loop. Whether it's due to a change in availability or a scheduling conflict, Prelude makes it easy to edit an existing Loop for manual updates, such as changing the interviewer or date/time.

πŸ’‘ If you need to reschedule the entire Loop and generate new results, you can review this guide to reschedule your Loop.

To get started, open the Loop, and you will be directed to the Edit tab:

On this screen, you will see the interviewer invites for the Loop. You can access the following options:

  1. Copy Schedule Overview: Save a copy of the interviewer schedule overview to your clipboard.

  2. Time & date swap: Click on the current interview time to reveal the option to change both interview time and date.

  3. Interviewer swap: Click on an interviewer to swap them out.

  4. + Add Interviewer: Display a drop-down list of available interviewers to add on the loop.

  5. + Add interview: Adds a new interview on the loop.

  6. ✏️ Edit interview: Opens the full edit screen, so you can edit additional settings, such as the interviewer, date/time, and invite body.

  7. πŸ‘οΈ View details: See a preview of the invite.

  8. ❌ Remove interview: Deletes this individual interview on the loop.

πŸ“ Note: Hover over an individual interview to access options 2, 6, 7, and 8.

When you are ready to send the new interviewer invites, click Send updated invites:

If you are tracking reschedule data, then you may need to choose a reschedule reason:

Once that is processed, you will see an updated Loops page with the edited interviews and the following notification at the top of the screen:

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