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Journey Step Templates
Elyes Graba avatar
Written by Elyes Graba
Updated over a week ago


Journey Step Templates allow you to customize all of the content on Journey Pages outside of the schedule box. The schedule box is auto-generated based on the interview schedule and your Journey Event Templates.

Schedule Box:

Editing Journey Step Templates

Journey step templates can be created and edited in two places:

1. Settings -> Templates -> Journey Steps:

2. While making Journeys in the "Content" tab of the Edit Journey page:

Best Practices

At a minimum you will need to create one Journey Step Template per Greenhouse stage. If you are getting started with single-step (single stage) Journeys, then you will be able to use the single default template provided.

As you get going with Journeys, the best practice is to create different Journey Step Templates for all roles and stages. This ensures that you are showing the right information at the right time, but generally takes time to build, unless you are coming in with pre-existing interview guides.

See Editing Journey Content for more information.

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