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Loops Overview

Our hub for learning about Loops!

Grey Allen avatar
Written by Grey Allen
Updated over a week ago

Loops are a quick and easy way to schedule complex interview panels that work for everyone's calendars. This feature will help you eliminate the headache of "Calendar Tetris" by presenting you with the best possible options to schedule your panel.

In this article

Managing Loops

This section provides essential resources to get started with Loops.



Learn how to create an interview panel with Loops.

Learn how to create and manage Candidate Invites in your Loops.

Learn how to edit a Loop.

Learn how to reschedule a Loop.

Explore our Debriefs feature to schedule a meeting with your interviewers to discuss your candidate's interviews.

Loops Settings & Templates

This section will walk you through different settings and templates you can use with your Loops.



Explore the different types of Loops templates.

Learn how to create and manage Loop Setup templates.

Explore different settings for your Loops.

Learn how to create and manage Candidate Reminders to ensure your candidates do not miss their interviews.

Greenhouse customers can create and populate custom placeholders into Loops communications.

Troubleshooting Loops

Running into a challenge with your Loop? This section will help you troubleshoot common situations and errors.



Explore different ways on how to expand your Loop results.

Common troubleshooting steps when you encounter different Loop errors.

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