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Interviewer Training: Overview

Use interviewer training plans to get your interviewers up to speed.

Mary Pope avatar
Written by Mary Pope
Updated over a week ago

Some interviewers may need to get special training or experience under their belts before they are qualified to interview under a certain interviewer attribute. Training plans allow you to manage interviewer training and turn your interviewers into pros!

Using training plans, you can create a sequence of training stages wherein trainees shadow or reverse-shadow with trained interviewers in specific attributes. When the trainee has completed the training plan for that attribute, you can graduate them into the attribute. They can then be scheduled just like any other interviewer using the attribute.

Creating a Training Plan

To create a new training plan, select an existing attribute from the "View All Attributes" dropdown on this page, or create a new attribute.

Click the "Add Training Plan" button above "Save". This creates the first stage of your training plan.

If you don't see the "Add Training Plan" button, please contact Support.

Once your first training stage populates, you can use the "+" button to add more stages.

Hover over the name of a stage and click the pencil icon to edit the stage name.

Once you've added and named all of your training stages, you can use the search bar to find and add interviewers to your training plan. When you select an interviewer, they will automatically be added into the first training stage. You can then drag and drop interviewers into different stages.

Note: Any interviewer who is already in the attribute cannot be added to the training plan, as these interviewers would already be considered "trained." Be sure to add trainees directly into the "Training Plan" section, and not the "Attribute name" section.

Once your trainees are in the correct stages of your training plan, you are ready to add them to your Loops interviews!

For information about how to promote or graduate trainees, see this article.

For more information about scheduling with Attributes and Training Plans, see this article.

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